Assistive Technology Jobs

Technological development has definitely made our lives simpler. By using advanced technology, we are able to complete our tasks precisely and fast and also learn new things easily. Technology has also been a boon for the physically-challenged to improve their quality of life, increase their knowledge through quality learning procedures and achieve their set goals in life. Technology can help these people overcome almost all the barriers that can affect their progress and advancement prospects. As an assistive technology specialist, you would be providing them solutions such as daily living aids, seating arrangement, aids for weak vision, aids for hearing problems etc. Given below are the best assistive technology jobs which can guarantee you a stable career.

Careers in Assistive Technology Field

Rehabilitation Engineers
This is one of the best assistive technology jobs which you can try for. Rehabilitation engineers personally meet up with patients and understand their needs. After this basic analysis, they develop, design, and introduce, devices that would make normal activities easier for the disabled. Providing computer devices for the physically challenged, vehicle repair and modification, modification of wheelchair, developing communication aids etc. These engineers have to take care of their client’s safety and comfort while designing these devices.

IT Coordinator
The IT assistive technology coordinator is generally hired to assist the people having vision problems. The IT coordinators provide training and guidance on using computer devices to their clients. They provide necessary software and technical support to the disabled to use machines with high level of efficiency. These IT professionals also work on inventing new software to assist the disabled in their learning process.

Speech Therapists
Speech therapists are also known a speech language pathologists. These professionals are trained to work with people having problems in communicating by making use of advanced language teaching techniques. These therapists help people having comprehension, expression, articulation problems related to language. The speech therapists, who have the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) certification use computer technology and listening aids to train individuals of all age groups with speaking disability.

Orthotists are required to identify functional problems in the disabled people and then invent measures to deal with these functional deficits to make disabled people live comfortably. These professionals deal with people suffering from disabilities, head injuries, congenital problems and also multiple-sclerosis. Orthotists usually work in top hospitals, health care centers and clinics whereas the experienced ones run their own practice.

Occupational Therapists
The job of an occupational therapists is to help people with disabilities to do their day to day tasks independently. These tasks can typically include bathing, dressing up and eating. Occupational therapists teach these tasks to the patients by making use of devices and equipments developed by technical professionals.

Rehabilitation Director
The position of a rehabilitation director requires all the skills of the above mentioned assistive technology jobs. This position is at the highest level in helping disable people live normal lives and hence the responsibilities are more. To become a rehabilitation director, you need technical as well as managerial skills to render your duties successfully.

The above assistive technology jobs require technical knowledge and ability to understand feelings and difficulties which the disabled people might encounter. By serving them, you will be able to earn well and also get a lot of job satisfaction and praise for your work. So, think of this career seriously and take the right decision.

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